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Monday, August 13, 2012

Human Brain vs. Calculator

                       The human brain, beating the calculator: Would you like to challenge? Or would you just dare try to challenge? If you think you can beat the calculator, actually you can! You may not believe me, unless if you are Alexis Lemaire (on the photo below), or the famous Scott Flansburg, an American who really held the title "The Human Calculator", receiving Guiness World Record Awards. Well, see for yourself, but let me ask you this: Which is more intelligent? The calculator? or us? How did you view yourself when it comes to computation? In everyday's, numbers are not an exception (although it creates fear in us). We compute, to come up with accuracy, leading to satisfaction. Numbers actually shaped the world. The first known tool used to aid arithmetic calculations was the Abacus, devised by the Sumerians and Egyptians on 2000 BCE. Computers (I mean like those PC's) actually had "calculator" as its former name.  Calculators are just like a camera for a photographer. All aspects of business transactions, liquidations, and most commonly in the fields of engineering and accountancy made calculators a tool in every work they do. It's because calculators are still the world's fastest tool used to perform both basic and complex operations of arithmetic. Now, as we breathe for a moment, can you beat now the calculator?

Bridging the Gap

                      Human is more intelligent than calculator: Would agree the statement? If yes, then I think your justification might be something related to symbiosis, in which calculators cannot function without the peopleware. Indeed true that we're the once who invent the calculator and the once who made it perform. But in terms of capacity and performance, I think calculators are more intelligent than humans in terms of computations.. Why? Try to disregard the symbiotic mutualism between the calculators and us, and look over to how calculators perform. It's clear that calculators are far more faster, right? Nevertheless, the answer is still in favor to the human brain. I believe we're as fast (or faster) as the calculator, because of our sole nature of obtaining and learning new things, ways, and even the power to analyze situations; things which calculators do not have (or will never have). But that doesn't mean of retaining our brain's ability. Why not try to perform like a calculator for somehow? Say that's impossible? Well, let me share you what I have learned during my MTAP (Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines) Classes:

Calculate the following for 5 (or even 1) seconds

Tip #1- 15 x 14
     => Multiply the numbers at the left, then plus the numbers itself. (only applicable for numbers 11-19)

Tip #2- 55 x 55
     => Multiply the numbers at the right; multiply the numbers at the left then plus the number itself.

Tip #3- 54 x 54
      => Multiply the numbers at the right column; multiply the numbers at the left column then add the number from the right.

Tip#4- 12345312312241872 x 11
         => Look over the multiplicand; copy the first number and add it to the number next to it; same with the next number to the number next to it and so on; then copy the last number. (just comment if you're a little confuse. Heheheh!)

                 I'm not so sure with this but I was just surprise when I made it without the aid of calculators. Thanks to Ma'am Alontaga, my Trigonometry teacher, for teaching these techniques.
If you are interested to learn many computation techniques just comment me here. We may not beat the capabilities of a calculator, but the determination is still in our hands. If you view numbers as phobic things, then life is also full of fear. That's because Mathematics is the language of nature. Well for me, although i'm not so inclined in math stuffs, there's nothing to be afraid of numbers. IN deed, we are not just computing, but we also exercise our mental capacities to make the right decisions and settle down life problems through analyzing, and numbers taught us how to. How about you? Can you now beat the calculator? Don't worry, no rushing. (chuckling here).
(above photo sorce: globe-changemaker.net?)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Can You Work Like a Spider?

                      Your teacher or boss might give you something that you should accomplish tomorrow, but you’re also making a thesis or documentations for your workshop to be submitted tomorrow also, plus you have a very urgent meeting in which you’re the one to conduct, tomorrow also. Do you think you can pass all of these loads on the same day, at the same time, presentable? If you think you can do all of these, tell us how. But I’m sure that doesn’t sound light and simple, like what spiders do. Spiders stitch their web by using all of its 6-10 legs, at the same time, looking for flying preys. Getting piles of things to be done at the same time might turn you into a panting ass carrying its burden in the midst of a barren land (and that sounds awful). That’s what we call Multitasking. Jobs that usually undergo multitasking most likely happen in call centre agents, teachers, accountants, and many others, mostly involving in commercial and business matters. Why and how does multitasking happen?

In most cases, multitasking or (stress-working) occur when there’s no time management and schedules when will the tasks be done. Other than that, one common cause is a worker’s “maybe-later” habit (in Spain and in the Philippines, they call it MaƱana Habit), a habit of setting aside other things as a substitute for recreations, or relaxations. Because of multitasking, many things are out-of-control. Number one is the focus, then presence of mind, or even involuntary movements (or out-of-errand), and greatly affects one’s health. According to Clifford Nass, director of the Communication Between Humans and Interactive Media Laboratory, in Stanford University, U.S.A., the product of multitasking is not presentable. In addition, Nass also reported that multitasking loses focus, makes workers unable to think properly, or even turns important details into inaccuracy. The Awake! Magazine, September 2012 issue also states that because of technology, many employees are tempted to multitasking at the same period of time. How can one cope up this labour problem?

Well, you can take note of this:

If you have tasks to be done, start the easy and manageable ones. If you start working with the tough one just because it’s the first to be submitted tomorrow, your time will be wasted focusing at that task, leaving a lot of easier tasks behind.

Try to finish the first task within 20 minutes. That would be easy if you start working with the easy ones.

Getting calm while working is also a better way. Feeling tense will make the work sluggish. Be optimistic.

                These are only the fundamentals, and will surely exercise you to focus and think properly. Well, it is agreeable that we are longing to put our tasks in success, and making ourselves more productive. We sometimes wish that we could divide ourselves, or have multiple hands to instant the tasks, right? Well, I think failing to do the following steps will end you up sleeping in the middle of a conversation (Hehehe! That’s pretty funny). Like spiders, you can also web your life, at the same time, looking forward to something better. But if you think you can’t grab the responsibility to do a myriad of task, better not take it, unless if you’re strong-willed. Even I do experienced putting unfinished things together and working for it later. But now I learned my lesson. And I became the president of our school’s Supreme Student Government (SSG) and a Sergeant at Arms in the Federation of the Supreme Student Government in the whole city (Cebu, Philippines), which means, a big responsibility. How about you? Tell me about your experience in multitasking by commenting. 

-Procedural Informative, RonaldRayEnsalada 

(above image; source: www.illustrationsource.com)

Boys are Made of What?

Wonder why boys sometimes act as if they’re in an unruly jungle, or as if they’re like silly babies? Well actually, that’s natural. Males mature slower than females, but their metabolic rates are faster than females. Females retain maturity as early as 13 years old. They will mature completely when they reach 18, while males have to reach 21-25. In this case, both sexes may have very rare imaginations. If a female imagines of falling in love to the male, males won’t imagine the same. Instead, they think of strenuous gimmicks or sporty interests. Maybe it’s because of their strong-willed nature and vigour. This situation explains: A male trusts that the puppy can swim and reach the other riverbank, but a female would worry, “What if the puppy runs out of energy?” With this awkward situation, males think optimistic, while females pessimistic. These affect greatly when males undergo decision-making, wherein, they rush to do what comes up first in their mind. On the contrary, it will take many days for a female to decide, because they decide emotionally. That’s why when females are being courted by males, she won’t accept his wooing right away, and deciding would take a long time. Nevertheless, the slow immaturity of males does not mean that it is unchangeable. Males can mature earlier, but his adulthood may vary, or is dependent to his environment. That’s why when you see them acting a little cracked, or monkeying around, try to tease them, but they won’t mind anyway. They get used to it, or even make fun with it, because they seemed not sensitive (but just barely).  
                                                                                                                                                -Essay, RonaldRayEnsalada