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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Big Screen Boredom

       Cool offs, romantic comedies, love tragedies, love-at-first-sights…What else? Is there something popping up in your mind when reading the words above? Well, if you think these words are movie themes, then you’re right. These movie themes have been rippling our country’s movie industry for decades. Hence, most of our films are themed with nothing else, but love (or love stories). Each year, at least 5-6 love –themed Philippine films are produced, with non-terminating motifs like boy meets girl, plus boy meets another girl, equals love quarrel (aka LQ); or the-more-you-hate-the-more-you-love stories, or even destined-love stories. You might think these love-story film motifs belong to romantic comedy films. Well, if we talk about love tragedies, like Shakespeare’s, the same motifs come again in another movie. In general, Philippine films may look all the same, and usual. Is there something new or, unique that has to be obtained by our country’s movie industry? Well, I hope there is. Why most of our films are themed with the viral love-story themes, probably because most Filipinos like such themes. True and plainly, these films mostly entice female audiences only. Males watching this kind of films are rare. This also means that Philippine films could also be gender-bias. Honestly, love-story movies are captivating movies, but it varies. I believe that our movie industry can produce films with themes similar to that of 20TH Century Fox, Disney, Columbia, and other high-grossing film producers. I also believe that we can make visual or 3D effects to our films, even 3D animated movies. In fact, we ranked 3rd in Asia in best animators, after South Korea and Japan. Why don’t we try another theme for our films like science fictions, disaster-movies, or even Harry Potter-like themes? IT industry in our country is augmenting, and there’s no reason that we can’t make another uniquely hit-making films, only just to avoid any big screen boredom.
 -Argumentative, RonaldRayEnsalada 

(image source: forum.abs-cbn.com)

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